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30 day reset cleanse detox weight loss


(2 DAYS)

The pre-cleanse is about committing, setting your intentions, shopping for cleanse-friendly ingredients, and easing your body into it — mentally, emotionally, and physically.

30 day reset cleanse detox weight loss


(28 DAYS)

During the cleanse, you’ll follow the simple elimination diet plan, along with self-care practices like mindfulness and movement, to help the body eliminate toxins.

You will consume whole organic plant foods (highly recommended) if possible and mostly raw or cooked.

We will be focusing on foods that gently remove heavy metals, toxins, and chemicals from your body.

30 day reset cleanse detox weight loss



This phase will depend on each individual  as many people love to continue on with their meal plan for sometime.   By the end of the 30 day Cleanse you might discover which lifestyle best serves your body.  

how does 30 day reset cleanse detox weight loss work?


How does it work?

We’ll work together for 30 days with a step-by-step plan to achieve your health goals. We’ll go into a lot of detail early on, to ensure that we get clarity on what that looks and feels like for you. I’ll outline the steps you need to take and show you how to take them. And I’ll stay by your side the entire way!

You’ll receive tools and directions, accountability measures, and all the encouragement you need. We’ll also work on techniques for managing stress, shifting negative mindsets, and stepping into your personal power.


30-Day Cleanse includes:

1) 1-hour one-on-one phone or zoom call with me each week where I will fully support you through the cleansing process (4 hours in total).

2) You’ll have unlimited access to me by text or email, to answer any questions, and to provide you with any support or accountability that you will need for the next 30 days.

3) You will receive a Startup Guide, packed full of information including a list of what to eat and what to avoid.

4) You will receive a customized Meal Plan for each week, along with cleanse-friendly recipes and more.

5) I will guide you on how to grow your own sprouts at home (optional).

30-Day Reset Cleanse ($597.00)

All meals are plant-based as this reset is all about cleansing and healing our body. I can also, create Medical Medium friendly meal plans when requested.


Want to know if we're a good fit? 

Book your FREE 15-minute session below.

Detox Clense Program
30 day reset cleanse detox weight loss


This Reset Cleanse will help you eliminate toxins from cells, boost your immunity and circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve your digestion. It will allow you to reset your body and learn which foods energize you and which ones bring your energy down.


  • Do you get bloated after eating?

  • Do you have extra pounds that won’t come off with diet and exercise?

  • Do you frequently belch or feel gassy or gurgling in your belly?

  • Do you have cravings for sugary or starchy foods?

  • Do you experience mood swings or anxiety?

  • Do you have difficulty focusing or experience brain fog?

  • Do you have allergies or hay fever?

  • Do you experience pain, muscle achiness, or stiffness in your joints?

  • Do you feel anxious, upset, nervous, or downright cranky?

If you answered “Yes” to any of these questions, you would greatly benefit from this cleanse!

30 day reset cleanse detox weight loss


Complimentary Discovery Session

Complimentary Discovery Session

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90 Day Total Transformation

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90 Day Weight Loss Transformation

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